Saturday, 20 June 2009

Rusty garlic

So the garlic's still rusty, it's not like it's going to get better and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm loathe to dig it up before it should be ready for drying in August; I've been getting rid of the ones with white rot and eating some of it wet. It isn't really wet that's just the term for eating it before it's ready. Go figure.

Wet garlic bulb:


  1. Hi Simon. Hmmm, rust and white rot – you have my sympathy. I've lost about 60% of the garlic I planted last October to either or both of the above. Luckily I planted about 70 so should still just about have enough to see me through! Love the blog by the way :-)

  2. Hi Kathy, it's a swine isn't it, thanks for loving my blog and for linking to me, I'll add you to mine.

  3. Jeez, that's a huge bulb Simon! If mine got to that size, I'd celebrate the bloody rust that destroys them...

  4. Ha! You could be right. I suppose I should stop whinging but don't hold your breath!
