Sunday, 17 April 2011

April Is The New June

I shouldn't have to be seeking out the shade at this time of year but that's how it's been. Much too hot and still no rain - so much for April showers.

The cherry-plum, plum and pear blossom has been and and gone and the cherry and apple is out now - about two weeks early.

Eating fresh asparagus, spinach and purple-sprouting broccoli.

The first row of peas are planted out and there's plenty of seedlings on the go in the greenhouse and coldframes. All we need now is some rain.


  1. If it's any comfort, we've had over a year now of unusually cold and wet weather (NW coast of the U.S.). April is on track to be the coldest on record. It's depressing. Last year only kale and chard and whatnot did well. This year so far is no better. Don't complain too much about the heat or I might go over and camp out in your garden.

  2. Ah sorry it's cold and wet for you, certainly the weather all over the place seems a bit unnatural. You can camp in my garden any time!

  3. Thanks, good to know you won't turn a hose on me.
