Saturday, 16 July 2011

Life on the margins

Within a couple of miles walk of where I live I reach places where nature is taking back what is rightfully hers. Along the verges of the trunk roads new woodland is well established. Further back there are fields cut off from farms that are reverting back to how nature intended. I don't suppose anyone from officialdom planned it this way. There aren't any signposts or footpaths. Just a haven for wildlife if you take the trouble to look and see. These are amongst my favourite places to go walkabout.

Woodland by the A38

Farm fields reverting to woodland...

...with pioneering ash.

Species-rich unmanaged grassland...

...with lesser stichwort...

...creeping thistle...

...birds-foot trefoil... clover...


...bush vetch...

...tufted vetch...

...great burnet...


...wild carrot...

...beasties enjoying yarrow...

...small skipper on tufted vetch...

...pondlife - swallows and dragonflies here...

...glimpse of a hawk...

...ancestral memories.

Loving it.


  1. I would love to wander there. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey no worries, thanks for commenting, I thought I'd scared everyone off!
