Sunday, 26 June 2005

Rich pickings

Picking sweet peas, snapdragons, sweet williams (sown last autumn), raspberries. Set out leeks.

Saturday, 18 June 2005

Sown last row of peas, moved leeks to nursery row. Put supports up for cut flowers. Cut first sweet peas.

Saturday, 4 June 2005

Site Open Day

Pat's tat stall

Punters at plant stall

Plot pics

Sown carrots - 1 row James Scarlet, 2 rows Red Intermediate. Planted out winter cabbages, runner beans, helechrysum golden baby, bells of ireland, dahlias (4 survivors) and french beans. Moved brocolli to nursery row. This is how the plot is looking today:

Blossom coming out on elder trees: