Tuesday, 28 May 2013


I'm sure I'm not the only one who could wax lyrical about the delights of spring. May has to be my favorite month, nature at it's very best, all the new growth and promise of what is to come.

It's also the best month for birdsong; I love the way they're well at it an hour before sunrise. Here the swifts are back although I've yet to hear the song thrush.

Out on the plot the broad beans, first peas, carrots and early potatoes are all growing away nicely. The first cabbage patch is planted out and the tomatoes are in their growbags. The strawberries and raspberries are in flower and the blossom on the fruit trees has been stunning.

Been eating broccoli, asparagus, wild rocket and the first salad leaves.

As usual I'm planning lots of flowers for the bees and butterflies, new ones this year include alfalfa, sainfoin, annual scabious, penstemon and helechrysum.

Plenty of butterflies here already: lots of whites of course, commas, brimstones, peacocks, holly blues, small tortoiseshells, orange tips and speckled woods - our site is a hot spot for this last species.

And here's a little friend I rescued from the greenhouse:

Wishing you all a bountiful season, love and peace and happiness, sunshine and soft summer rain. Told you I could wax lyrical.