Saturday, 14 August 2010

Open day

Open day on our site today; the people who visited my plot made approving noises so I must be doing something right.

August must be the most rewarding month on the plot - hardly any work to do but loads of food to eat. I've got blackberries and raspberries coming out of my ears, three kinds of beans, peas, cabbages, carrots, onions, tomatoes and grapes now too. It's a regular garden of eden out there.

Happy staff on the produce stall at our open day.


frazzledsugarplummum said...

I have had a lovely couple of hours reading through your posts and Australian trips. You have a wonderful allotment and back inspiration really. Must head out to my own backyard and do some Spring preparation. I am in Launceston, Tasmania. AUS. If you make another trip...I see you were in OZ earlier in the year....and want to use my unused backyard unit as a base you are most welcome. Freebie.

Simon said...

Hiya frazzled, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for all your kind comments. And thanks for the offer, I'd love to see Tasy sometime, I'll probably be staying in Europe this winter but never seem to make my mind up until work finishes in November and I start getting itchy feet!