Mostly for my benefit, I'll update it as the season goes on.
Antirrhinum (saved seed) - Sown in greenhouse 2.4, 1/2 seedtray. Pricked out 7.5 to medium modules x12. Potted on to 12cm pots 29.5. Planted out 30cm apart x7 11.6.
Basil (saved seed from Tenerife) - Sown in greenhouse 2.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots x5 30.4. Planted in trough 29.5.
Bladder Campion (saved seed) - Sown in greenhouse 9.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots x8 7.5. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out in orchard 4.6.
Broad bean "Aquadulce Claudia" - Sown 15.10, 1/2 row.
Broccoli "Early Purple Sprouting Red Arrow" - Sown 16.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots x9 7.5. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 75cm apart 28.5.
Broccoli (white) "Nine Star Perennial" - Sown in coldframe 14.5, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots 11.6. Planted out ?
Brussels Sprouts "Cascade F1" - Sown in greenhouse 9.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots x12 30.4. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 60cm apart 21.5
Cabbage "January King" - Sown 7.8 in 15cm pot in coldframe. And 1/2 row 12.8.
Cabbage "Hispi F1" - Sown in 15cm pot in coldframe 8.5. Planted out 11.6 30cm apart. And another 15cm pot sown same day. Planted out ?
Cabbage "Greyhound" - Sown in greenhouse 12.3, 1/2 seedtray. Discarded in favour of Spitfire.
Cabbage "Spitfire F1" - Sown in greenhouse 12.3, 1/2 seedtray. Planted out 23.4 x20, 30cm apart.
Carnation "Giant Chabaud Mixed" - Sown in greenhouse 2.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots x19 6.5. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 10.6 x19 30cm apart, 1 row.
Carrot "Early Nantes" - Sown 2.4 in trough in greenhouse. Moved to coldframe 20.4.
Carrot "Amsterdam Forcing" - Sown direct 19.5, 1 row.
Carrot "Autumn King 2" - Sown direct 19.5, 1 row.
Chineese Mustard "Green in Snow" - Sown 7.8, short row.
Climbing French bean - Sown in greenhouse 7.5, medium modules x24. Planted out 4.6.
Clover (white) - Sown 31.3 for paths.
Clover (crimson) - Sown 8.5 for green manure around courgettes.
Cosmos "Candy Stripe" - Sown in greenhouse 2.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots 23.4. Moved to coldframe 6.5. Planted out 14.5.
Courgette "Black Beauty" - Sown 16.4, 9cm pots x6. Moved to coldframe 30.4. Planted out 8.5.
Flax (saved seed) - Sown in greenhouse 2.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots 23.4. Moved to coldframe 6.5. Planted out 14.5.
French bean "Purple Queen" - Sown in greenhouse 8.5, medium modules x24. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 4.6 20cm apart and 1/2 row sown direct.
Garlic "Vallelao" (from saved cloves) - Planted out 19.11, 20cm apart, 2 short rows 30cm apart.
Kale (Cavolo) "Palmizio Senza Testa" - Sown direct 16.5, 1/2 row. Eaten by flea beetles.
Leek "Musselburgh" - Sown in 15cm pot in greenhouse 23.4. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 11.6, 20cm apart, 1 row.
Marigolds (saved seed from Tenerife) - Sown direct 14.5, short row.
Mizuna - Sown direct 8.5, short row. eaten by flea beetles. Another short row sown 11.6 plus x12 medium modules in coldframe. Potted on to 9cm pots 3.7. Planted out ?
Nicotiana Sylvestris "White Trumpets" - Sown 2.4 in greenhouse, 1/2 seedtray. Pricked out to medium modules x12 30.4. Potted on to 12cm pots x12 14.5. Planted out 60cm apart 28.5.
Pea "Early Onward" - Sown in greenhouse 12.3, 9cm pots x32, 3 seeds per pot. Moved to coldframe 28.3. Planted out 9.4, 1/2 row.
Pea "Onward" - Sown direct 8.5, 1 row. And another 28.5.
Pea bean (saved seed) - Sown in greenhouse 7.5, medium modules x12. Moved to coldframe 21.5. Planted out 28.5.
Phacelia (green manure) - Sown broadcast 13.4. And 11.6 where garlic was.
Potato "Desiree" - 1kg bought in for chitting 12.3. Planted out 22.4, 1 row,15cm deep, 40cm apart.
Potato "International Kidney" - 2kg bought in for chitting 12.3. Planted out 31.3, 1 row, 15cm deep, 30cm apart. Earthed up 27.4.
Potato "Wilja" - 1kg bought in for chitting 12.3. Planted out 31.3, 1 row, 15cm deep, 30cm apart. Earthed up 27.4.
Runner bean "Enorma" - Sown 8.5 in greenhouse, large modules x36. Moved to coldframe 21.5. Planted out 28.5.
Salad leaves - Sown 2.4 in 15cm pot in greenhouse. Moved to coldframe 30.4. And another sown 23.4. Moved to coldframe and another sown 14.5.
Scorzonera "Long Black Maxima" - Sown direct 23.4, 1 row.
Spinach "Mikado F1" - Sown 1/2 row 12.8.
Sweet Pea "Royal Mixed" - Sown in coldframe 12.3, 9cm pots x8, 1 seed per pot. Pinched and planted out x3 22.4.
Tomato "Gardeners Delight" - Sown in propagator 9.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots x4 30.4. Planted in growbags 14.5.
Trefoil (green manure) - Sown broadcast 13.4.
Wild Rocket - Sown in greenhouse 9.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots x7 7.5. Moved to coldframe 14.5. Planted out 4.6 30cm apart.
Field Poppy - Sown broadcast 13.4.
Pictorial Meadows Classic Mix - Sown broadcast with sand 15.4.
Pictorial Meadows Contrasting Mix - Sown broadcast with sand 13.4.