I'll keep updating these as the season goes on.
Antirrhinum "Crown Mixed" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, 1/2 seed tray. Pricked out to medium modules and moved to cold frame 10.5. Moved back to greenhouse 13.5. Potted on to 9cm pots x48 31.5. Moved to coldframe 7.6. Planted out 14.6 40cm apart, 1 double row
Basil "Sweet Green" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots 17.5. Moved to coldframe 31.5. Sold in June.
Broad Beans "Aquadulce" - Sown half row 26.1.
Brocolli "Early Purple Sprouting" - Sown in greenhouse 17.5, small modules x10. Moved to coldframe 31.5. Potted on to 9cm pots 7.6. Planted out 22.6.
Brocolli "Romanesco" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots and moved to cold frame 10.5. Planted out x2 24.5 60cm apart
Brussels Sprouts "F1 Cascade" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modes x20. Potted on to 9cm pots and moved to coldframe 10.5. Planted out x10 24.5.
Cabbage "Durham Early" - 1 row sown 15.8.
Cabbage "Golden Acre-Primo (II)" - Sown 14.6, x20 small modules in coldframe, also in short nursery row outside. Planted out 2.8 (ones in modules didn't survive).
Cabbage "Greyhound" - Sown in greenhouse 29.3, 1 seed tray. Moved to coldframe 27.4. Planted out 3.5, 30cm apart.
Cabbage "January King" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x20. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Potted on to 9cm pots 7.5. Planted 0ut 40cm apart 31.5.
Carnation "Giant Chaubaud Mixed" - Sown 12.4 in greenhouse, small modules x50. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Potted on to 9cm pots 17.5. Planted out 7.6.
Cauliflower "All Year Round" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x10. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Potted on to 9cm pots 17.5. Planted out 31.5.
Carrot "Amsterdam Forcing" - 1/2 row sown 19.4. Gaps resown 11.5.
Carrot "Autumn King Improved" - Sown 29.5, 2 rows.
Carrot "Nantes Frubund" - 1/2 row sown 28.9.
Cosmos "Sensation Mixed" - Sown 12.4 in greenhouse, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots and moved to cold frame 10.5. Planted out x10 24.5.
Courgette "Defender F1" - Sown 26.4 in greenhouse in 9cm pots x3. Moved to coldframe 28.5. Given away.
French Bean "Purple Teepee" - Sown in greenhouse 17.5, small modules x50. Moved to coldframe 28.5. Planted out (at Inas) 2.6 and a short row for me.
Garlic "Albigensian Wight" and "Solent Wight" - 25 cloves (2 bulbs) of each planted out 25.10, 20cm apart in rows 30cm apart.
Leek "Bandit F1" - Sown in greenhouse 17.5, 1 seed tray. Moved to coldframe 31.5. Planted out 28.6.
Lettuce "Salad Bowl Red" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x20. Potted on to 9cm pots and moved to cold frame 10.5. Planted out x3 24.5 (remainder for Ina).
Lettuce "Lollo Rossa" - Sown in greenhouse 19.4, small modules x10. Potted on to 9cm pots and moved to cold frame 10.5. Planted out (at Inas) 26.5.
Onion "Stutgarter" - Sets planted 15.3 in small modules x50 in open coldframe. Planted out 21.4.
Parsley "Lisette" - Sown 26.4 in greenhouse in 15cm pot. Moved to cold frame 10.5.
Pea "Early Onward" - 1 row sown 19.4.
Pea "Onward" - 1 row sown 17.5.
Phacelia (green manure) - Sown broadcast 27.4. Dug in 28.6. More sown 15.8.
Potato "Charlotte" - 1.5kg bought in for chitting 14.3. Planted out 12.4.
Potato "Desiree" - 2kg bought in for chitting 14.3. Planted out 26.4.
Potato "Pentland Javlin" - 2kg bought in for chitting 21.3. Planted out 26.4
Rosa Chinensis - Sown 26.4 in greenhouse, small modules x10. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Just one germinated, potted on to 9cm pot 12.7.
Runner Bean "Enorma" - Sown in cold frame 11.5 in large modules x60. Planted out (at Inas) 2.6.
Spinach "Scenic F1"- 1 row sown 3.5.
Sunflower (saved seed) - Sown 26.4 in greenhouse in 9cm pots x4. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Planted out 24.5.
Salad leaves "Niche Mixed" - Sown 19.4 in greenhouse in 15cm pots. More sown 26.4, as before. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Outside 22.5.
Hesperis "Matronalis" (Sweet Rocket) - Sown 31.5.
Sweet Pea "Astronaut Mixed" - Sown15.3 in 15x9cm pots, 3 seeds to a pot, in greenhouse. Moved to coldframe when germinated 7.4. Pinched and planted out 27.4.
Tomato "Gardeners Delight" - Sown 29.3 in heated propogator, small modules x10. Moved to greenhouse when germinated 7.4. Potted on to 9cm pots x5 26.4. Potted on to bottomless 15cm pots 10.5. Planted in growbags 7.6.
Wild Rocket - Sown 26.4 in greenhouse in 15cm pot. Moved to cold frame 10.5. Outside (at Mrs T 22.5).