I don't try and prepare the whole plot at once, but do it as I go along with each sowing. Unless the weeds are seeding they aren't doing any harm, on the contrary they protect the soil from those drying winds and help retain moisture water in the soil.
The soil was turned over last autumn and had compost dug into it. This particular piece of ground is where I grew my potatoes last year, so following the potatoes-legumes-brassicas-roots rotation, this is where I'll now be sowing my early peas.
This is how it looks now:
And this is how it looks after I've taken out the weeds with a border fork and leveled it with a rake, leaving a nice crumbly tilth:
Woppy ???? Is that a Derby thing where you stand about with a dazed expression thwacking your head from side to side between 2 sheets of plasterboard?
Yup, the wind does that to me too.
yeah, that's the one, only we pronounce it wAppy over here so as not to get mistaken for southerners and use bricks 'cos we're dead hard
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